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Report Designer Documentation for line breaks and Formatting Options

  • January 16, 2025
  • 1 reply

I recently noticed somewhere that you can add {br} to an expression in Report Designer to add a line break. I’m curious what else you can do like that within the expression editor, however I can’t find any documentation on this functionality. Does anyone know if this is documented anywhere and, if so, where that is or what other things you can do like this?

I’m just curious what else I might be missing because I’m trying to format a field, but trying to format different parts of the field different ways (in Report Designer you can apply formatting changes to an entire textbox but cannot make formatting changes to substrings within the textbox as far as I know). So I was just curious if that could potentially lead me to anything that could help.

For example, I have a large textbox with this data (see below). It’s one blob of text that has different fields/values so it’s not something that can just be split up into custom fields. If I wanted to format it in Report Designer it would be an all-or-nothing proposition and I could not just mark the “Value N” bits as bold but keep text plain.

Value 1: Text
Value 2: Text
Value 3: Text

Since I have not noticed the {br} mentioned in any Acumatica documentation, I was wondering if there were other things that might help that I’m not aware of. I originally was hoping to use HTML like below

<b>Value 1:</b> Text
<b>Value 2:</b> Text
<b>Value 3:</b> Text

However the ConvertHtmlToText property only removes the HTML tags and does not render them.

I was also thinking of splitting this one textbox and creating two new textboxes that would be based on the main textbox. So the field names would be in the left and include everything on a line up to and including the colon (:) and then the values would be anything after the colon and show up on the second textbox. That way I could format them differently, however I would run into issues if anything was too long and they would no longer sync up correctly.

I’m guessing my best bet is to make a suggestion to add a rich-textbox control to Report Designer, which would be a nice thing to have but unfortunately doesn’t help now.

Hopefully that all makes sense, thanks for any tips!

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Captain II


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