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Translate text type attributes


Is there a way to translate text attributes? I’m currently working on a translation project and was able to find, for example, how Acumatica saves translations for item descriptions and where translations for multi-combo attributes are stored. However, is there a way to translate text attributes?

We have multiple text attributes assigned to different stock item classes:



I tried collecting unbound strings in the screen SM200540, but the values for the text attributes are not showing up:



I believe that Acumatica DB is prepared to store translations for this kind of attributes, but not sure how to do it:



I need to create GIs to export the original text in English along with the translations. So far, I’ve created views for the KvExt tables to use them in DACs and have the information available in the GIs. However, I would like to understand if I can populate the translation somehow using the standard solution for text attributes

2 replies

  • Author
  • Freshman II
  • 13 replies
  • July 31, 2024

Here is a little more information in case this helps to clarify what I need.

For attributes like this one:

I can get the description translation from the CSAttributeKvExt table:

the description values in the main language using the CSAttributeDetail table


and the translations using the table CSAttributeDetailKvExt:

but for text attributes, like the next one used on stock item attributes, I can't find a way to translate each text and populate one of the KvExt tables:


in this example, I have to translate the text value '160/pack.' Is there a way to translate these text values?

Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated. Thank you!​​​​​​

  • 99 replies
  • July 31, 2024

Looking for a solution to this as well.


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