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Unmap Ship Via Export To Shopify



I was recently informed by a client using the Shopify Commerce Connector that confirmed Shipments are now syncing the Acumatica Ship Via to Shopify and displaying it only in the Shopify Shipment Confirmation email being emailed to customers. Their Ship Vias make sense to their team internally but is causing confusion/concerns with customers receiving emails notifying them their Shipment was sent via the “Cheapest” shipping option. 

I could not find a way to unmap this using the entities mapping for Shipments or Sales Orders. Is there a way to unmap this from being exported? Or any potential workarounds?


14 replies

Captain II
  • Captain II
  • 252 replies
  • March 1, 2024

I don’t see on my end the Ship Via being sent to the customer. Can’t you just edit the notification template in Shopify? 

You can also share your entity export mapping.

Yuri Karpenko
Captain II

@freddydelrio39 , I think @Jeff96 is right - I don’t see Ship Via being mapped by default, unless, of course, you’ve set up such a mapping on the Entities screen.  By default, only Carrier, Tracking Number, Inventory IDs and their Quantities are mapped.

Semi-Pro I
  • Semi-Pro I
  • 177 replies
  • March 1, 2024

@freddydelrio39 - Ship Via’s are mapped by default on the export in the Shipping portion of the entities screen.  In our system we needed to filter the export to only send Ship Via’s from one of our 3PL’s.  Even though it’s not on the Export Mapping Screen, it is on our filter screen.  So I’d say yes, it’s included on the export mapping by default.  Perhaps @josh.fischer or his team can help explain this one as they’ve been a great help for us!   I’ll attach some screen shots.

Export Mapping - No Ship Via fields...
Export Filtering - Needed to only include Ship Via’s starting with BX for our use case...



@Yuri Karpenko @Jeff96 The ship via is being exported. If you check any Shopify order json file you can find it saved as the "tracking_company". For some reason this is now also appearing in the confirmation email sent from Shopify to the customer. 

@KarthikGajendran @josh.fischer Any way to unmap this or have it populate a different value when exported to Shopify? Changing the Shipment confirmation html is not ideal in this situation as client has multiple Shopify stores with customized shipment confirmations for each.

Acumatica Moderator

@freddydelrio39 We would like to see what and how you configured your Ship Via with the Shipping Carries substitution list as shown below. Also, we would like to know the actual name that you have in Acumatica and how it is displayed in shipment confirmation. Is the ship via with a carrier integration or a regular ship via?

Either you could provide them with screenshots here or create the case with Acumatica support for us to help better. 



Hi @KarthikGajendran! I’ve checked this for a number of Shopify clients I have an none of them have the ‘Shipping Carriers’ substitution lists available in the commerce connector. They are also all on 23R1 or older which might be why. 

Regardless of the Ship Via the client has created in Acumatica it is appearing in the Shopify Order (and can be verified in the order json) after Acumatica completes the order as the “tracking_company”. This is happening for all my Shopify clients, and I have a lot, regardless of what Shopify plan they are on. Also, some of them are using EasyPost and some are using ShipStation.

I now have 2 clients that have mentioned this as a concern because of what their Ship Via is called in Acumatica. The email being sent to the client reads "tracking_company":"CHEAPEST" or "tracking_company":"SSSTANDARD" (That stands for ShipStation Standard but can look to a client like they cannot spell).


Screenshot of the email sent to customers from the Shopify store for my client that uses the SSSTANDRD Ship Via is below.


This is how all Shopify Shipment Confirmation emails are appearing now and displaying the Ship Via.

Yuri Karpenko
Captain II

@freddydelrio39 , you’re right, it’s not available in 23R1, but it is available in 23R2.

Acumatica Moderator

@freddydelrio39  Are you saying that regardless of how the Ship Via is named in Acumatica, once the shipment is exported to from Acumatica to Shopify then the tracking company is named as SSSTANDRD or CHEAPEST? Please clarify. 

KarthikGajendran wrote:

@freddydelrio39  Are you saying that regardless of how the Ship Via is named in Acumatica, once the shipment is exported to from Acumatica to Shopify then the tracking company is named as SSSTANDRD or CHEAPEST? Please clarify. 

No. What I am saying is that the Ship Via is being exported to Shopify, regardless of what the Ship Via is called in all of the Shopify connections I’ve recently checked, it is being exported when the Shipment is completed in Acumatica. It is exported to the Shopify order, completing the order and storing it to the "tracking_company" field in the Shopify Order json data, which is then being displayed in the Shopify Shipment Confirmation email. Ideally i’d like to unmap that from exporting or be able to switch it to say ‘UPS’ or ‘FedEx’ instead of the actual Ship Via being exported.

Semi-Pro I
  • Semi-Pro I
  • 177 replies
  • March 6, 2024

@freddydelrio39 - I think you’re going to need to submit a ticket so @KarthikGajendran and his team can investigate further. Then maybe one of you can come back and give us all an update?

Acumatica Moderator

@freddydelrio39 You can unmap but the customer might not get the tracking number as a hyperlink if there is not carrier info provided. 



@KarthikGajendran I’ve tried unmapping this exact same way on multiple Acumaticas with Shopify and get the error below, which is why I came here initially for help.


The ShipmentData.FulfillmentDataList.TrackingInfo.Company field is not found. Please check the entity mapping.




Hi @KarthikGajendran, wanted to follow up with you on this. Should I just create a case for this?


Hi @freddydelrio39:

Could you please try the following mapping:

 With this the shipping carrier on a shipment will be empty and only the tracking number will get updated on Shopify.


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