We have this error on an items product availability in Sync history. It is not translating the inventory to the Shopify store and we can’t seem to figure out why. Has anyone had this issue and fixed it?
“The record has been assigned the Deleted status because it is related to an item that is missing, excluded from synchronization, or configured to not track quantity.:
Best answer by ppowell
I found the problem on our setup. The template item was set to export to external and visible but the matrix items were not set to the same. Setting the matrix items to export to external and product availability to store default fixed it. We had to re-sync the template item first before the product availability would sync successfully.
Sorry, not able to offer a resolution (yet). Just to confirm we are getting the same problem with BigCommerce. I haven’t been able to find any fix for it. The item is Active and set to Export to External on Acumatica and the item has track inventory by variant enabled on BigCommerce. The item itself syncs successfully, just the product availability doesn’t. We have several that seem to be in the same state.
I found the problem on our setup. The template item was set to export to external and visible but the matrix items were not set to the same. Setting the matrix items to export to external and product availability to store default fixed it. We had to re-sync the template item first before the product availability would sync successfully.
We are getting this same error for a bunch of products in Big Commerce. Although, they aren’t just related to matrix/ template items. They are just regular stocked items.
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