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Duplicate Purchase OrderNbr

Varsity II



We currently have 2 sets of Purchase Orders (i.e. 4 purchase orders in total) which have the same OrderNbr. 

Fortunately, this isn’t causing any issues in the database, since the 2 sets of PO’s have different types, i.e. 1 Drop-Ship and 1 regular PO, and luckily this has only happened twice in more than 2 years, but I don’t think this is normal behaviour, is it? Note that we are using MySQL as database.

We’re using the numbering sequences with auto incremental values, so technically these 4 POs should all have had different reference numbers, right?


Is there perhaps something we can do to enforce that this doesn’t happen? It is causing a little bit of confusion in our operations department when they see 2 POs with the same reference number.

Best answer by Gabriel Michaud

@chris49 at first I thought it was because you had setup distinct numbering sequences for the Drop Ship and Regular order types, but then I realized that Acumatica doesn’t let you configure it by order type on the PO side…

A simple fix would be to add a unique index in the DB (Company,PONbr), however I don’t type MySql supports filtered index (with a WHERE clause) so you will first need to deal with the duplicates you have.

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Gabriel Michaud
Captain II

@chris49 at first I thought it was because you had setup distinct numbering sequences for the Drop Ship and Regular order types, but then I realized that Acumatica doesn’t let you configure it by order type on the PO side…

A simple fix would be to add a unique index in the DB (Company,PONbr), however I don’t type MySql supports filtered index (with a WHERE clause) so you will first need to deal with the duplicates you have.

Varsity II
  • Varsity II
  • May 10, 2021

Thanks, @Gabriel Michaud 

I was thinking of doing that but was a little concerned about what issues it would cause when such an insert would happen.

I reckon this is a balance between having the super rare duplicate order number on occasion or getting an exception when such an occurrence occurs.

Gabriel Michaud
Captain II

@chris49 insert will fail cleanly -- error message returned by MySql will likely bubble up to the user. If this is an issue with the numbering sequences my suggest is that clicking Save a second time after the error message will succeed, and user won’t lose anything.


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