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Hello everyone,

I create matrix items from a Template Item, with description segment settings uses the Template Item Description together with Attribute value.

After creating matrix items, I updated the Template Item Description, hoping that it will auto updates every matrix item description inheriting the changes I made in the Template Item.   But it does not.

Clicking the Update Matrix Items button doesn’t work also.

Is there a way to update the matrix items description from the template description changes without updating each of them?

Appreciate your help. :)

@jib87 Could you please let us know the scenario for having the Matrix Items Description as same as the Template Item Description? 

We believe that the Matrix Items should have their own description for each of the variants and not the same description as the Template Item. 

@KarthikGajendran , you’re correct, we want matrix items to have their own descriptions. But here’s what we thought:

  1. We set up a template with description = Widget
  2. We create a few matrix items, using configuration tab, where we specify that the description of a matrix item should be dtemplate description] + nattribute value]. As a result, Acumatica creates matrix items with descriptions: Widget Big, Widget Small, etc.
  3. Then we go to the template screen, and change the description from Widget to Best Widget.
  4. Then we click Update Matrix Items, and expect that now, all our matrix items will get a new description: Best Widget Big, Best Widget Small, etc. But this doesn’t happen, the description of matrix items stays the same.

I hope I was clear in my explanation. But if not, please let me know.

Thank you!

@jib87 , I’m seeing the exact same behavior in 23R1.  I recommend opening a case with Acumatica, as it seems to be a bug to me.

Thanks @Yuri Karpenko . I checked with the distribution team and I was told they got requirements to change the description of the newly created based on the configuration without changing the existing items because those are already used in the transactions so changing those would bring confusion. 

But I can certainly pass on this feedback. 

@jib87  In the meantime, would you be able to update the description using the import scenarios? 


Thank you @Yuri Karpenko for the suggestion opening the case. You too 100% accurately explained what our concern is. 

I noticed that updating posting class, lot/serial class or other Template details updates the matrix items when we hit the Update Matrix items. We are expecting should be the same case too for Description.
