While adding new products to Shopify(template items), we kept getting errors on some of the metafields syncing to Shopify.
We getting getting errors like:
Error on type : 'single_line_text_field' must be consistent with the definition's type: 'list.single_line_text_field'.;Error on type : 'single_line_text_field' must be consistent with the definition's type: 'multi_line_text_field'.;Error on type : 'single_line_text_field' must be consistent with the definition's type: 'metaobject_reference'.;
Existing products are syncing just fine(and their metafields), in fact I can copy the values from the non-working product and push a sync on an existing product and it sync just fine.But if I do the opposite and take the values from a working product and copy them to the non-working, it gives the same errors.
I also cloned one of the existing working template items(that i confirmed I could resync) and when I tried to sync the clone, I get the errors on the metafields again.
It really seems like something is broken when trying to set those metafields when they’re empty. Did the API update to graphQL and maybe something isn’t working the same?