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BigCommerce 2020R2 - How to Restrict Shipping Option Mapping

  • 8 December 2022
  • 9 replies

Hi Team,

We are working with 20.221.0021 build and we have a requirement to use a default Ship Via on importing order from BigCommerce to Acumatica instead of using the Shipping Option Mapping grid. Can you please confirm if is it possible through Entities Mapping screen or the best possible way to do it.

And if there is a way we can stop populating the Shipping Option Mapping grid.


Thank you!

9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

@vivekm if you map ShipVia in the entities mapping, it should have higher priority than grid mapping, so it should work. I encourage you to test it.


Userlevel 4

Hi @smarenich, Thank you for the details.

I tried to work with that but in that case, we have to provide Source Object and Source Field/Value as those are required fields but when we do that then that mapping will be taken into consideration.

Can you please suggest how we can handle that.


Userlevel 7
Badge +3

@vivekm source object you can choose anything

And in the source field you should write formula with needed ship via code.

Userlevel 4

Hi @smarenich I have tried but still getting shipping option mapping validation. Can you please review below steps and suggest what I am missing here:

  • Declared Import Mapping condition.
  • Tried to import the Order.
  • One new row added to shipping option mapping grid.
  • And Order import failed due to missing shipping option mapping.


Userlevel 7
Badge +3

@vivekm would it be possible for you to put any ship via in the mapping table?

The validation for the ship via happens before the mapping, but mapping will still override the configuration provided in the table.

Userlevel 4

Hi @smarenich  yes, we can use any ship via to the mapping table but the issue remains same as the validation happens before the import mapping and is the reason initially every order fails because under shipping option mapping grid, store mapping method in not mapped to any Acumatica ship via.

Is there any way to achieve it, can you please suggest.

  • Also, I have tried below Import Mapping.
  • Initially order import fails.
  • Then have provided value to shipping option mapping grid.
  • And imported the order.
  • But at order level the ship via updated from shipping option mapping grid, instead of Entities Import Mapping.


Userlevel 3

Hi @vivekm We reproduced the issue. Unfortunately, Ship Via from Entity Import Mapping does not populate or override store's ship via mapping as it should be. Please, create a support case.  

Userlevel 3

Hi @vivekm We reproduced the issue. Unfortunately, Ship Via from Entity Import Mapping does not populate or override store's ship via mapping as it should be. Please, create a support case.  

@vivekm Also tested with 22R2 - Import Mapping works well with this build. 

Userlevel 4

Hi @KseniaBurtseva61 Thank you for the details.
