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Acumatica is overwriting fields on Shopify export order type after Shopify order is created

  • February 19, 2025
  • 5 replies

Varsity III

We’re getting ready to switch our ecommerce site to Shopify and I am in the process of trying to export our open non-web orders to the site so customers can see their order status.  We’re on 23R1 for now (planning on upgrading after this migration).  

We’ve setup a new order type for orders being imported from Shopify (WB).  I have also configured an existing order type (SB) that we want to export.  The sales order entity is configured for a bi-directional sync direction.  

After running some tests on a handful of our open SB orders, they’re being exported as expected and at first glance everything is working great.  However, after these SB orders get created in Shopify, the connector sees that they have been modified externally and the next time I process one of them a bunch of fields get updated in the ERP that we do not want to change.

This list is not exhaustive but here are some changes I am seeing happen after the re-import:

  • Both the Order date and the Cancel By date get changed from their original value to the day the Shopify order was created (big problem).
  • Open detail lines have their pricing updated such that any discount values are reset entirely, and the unit price is set to the original discount unit price - this might be confusing but usually our sales lines use a discount code tied to the stock item price class to apply discounts automatically (minor annonyance).   
  • Open detail lines also have the Requested On date reset to the Shopify order creation date (big problem). 
    • Closed detail lines do not seem to be affected, although I only exported one order with a completed line so I’m a little less certain how noteworthy this is.

Does anyone know of a way I can prevent this?  Once an “export” order type order is sent to Shopify, we don’t want any changes coming back into the ERP if they’re just going to be wrong.

I tried setting up import filters on the sales order entity that would filter out records based on any of the following:

  • Order tags containing “SB”
    • Our connector is setup to tag Shopify orders with the Acumatica order number, so all of the Shopify orders are going to have a tag like “SB01055608” in addition to the ERP tag.
  • Source name contains Acumatica
  • Source name contains the ID of the sales channel showing up on orders that come from Acumatica (I pulled this out of an order’s JSON view). 

The first time I tried to setup import filters on the sales order entity, this is how I set them up:

This does not seem to prevent updates on these SB orders from being brought back into the ERP.  I then switched the logic around so that it was “does not contain” with “and” as the operator, like so:

Based on how I’ve successfully setup export filters for stock items, I believe the second image is the correct way, even if it isn’t accomplishing what I’m going for.

I originally had External System selected for the Primary System configuration on the sales order entity since the main purpose of the Shopify connector is to bring web orders into the ERP.  Once I realized the export order type was causing these unintended updates to SB orders, I switched Primary System to ERP but that did not seem to resolve the issue.

If anyone has any ideas on how I can prevent our export order types from being changed after getting uploaded to Shopify, I’m definitely interested in trying them out.


Edit:  I forgot to mention that the SB orders I’m trying to export are all currently in some kind of “Open” status.  My goal was to export the recent open orders as those are the orders customers might be most interested in checking the status on.  I wasn’t planning on exporting a more complete order history until after we were live, and everything was clearly working as planned.

5 replies

Jr Varsity III
  • Jr Varsity III
  • 89 replies
  • February 20, 2025

The second filter graphic is the right way to prevent these orders from syncing.  You want to tell the filter what to or not to import.  So saying “does not contain” will prevent the SB orders from syncing. 

  • Freshman II
  • 23 replies
  • February 20, 2025

Hi Zack,


This is not an answer to your current question but I wanted you to make you are aware that the Shopify connector was significantly changed in 2024R2 to work with the new Shopify Plus B2B features and more upgrades are coming in 2025R1 and on.  And these are not insignificant changes especially in the way the new connector now handles both Individuals/Customer and Organizations/Companies in the Shopify B2B heirarchy.  


We just migrated from Big Commerce to Shopify via the connector and 2024R2 so I am afraid to make any comments on your situation.  The new connector works very well although it still has a long way to go on a number of functions, but I know the Acumatica Retail and Distribution Teams are working hard to make it better.


You may want to seriously consider upgrading to 2024R2 before you switch to take advantage of the changes and upgrades and not immediately have redo your connector for the new update.  Also your support is going to be an issue with 2023R1.  Just a comment.


Happy to share our progress and issues more if you want.




Varsity III
  • Author
  • Varsity III
  • 44 replies
  • February 20, 2025
kkeating24 wrote:

The second filter graphic is the right way to prevent these orders from syncing.  You want to tell the filter what to or not to import.  So saying “does not contain” will prevent the SB orders from syncing. 

That is what I thought as I have stock item export filters that are setup in the same fashion.  I only set it up the other way after I was getting data back from Shopify that should have been filtered.

So, the problem I’m facing is that “does not contain” version of the import filters from my original post are not preventing data coming back in from after an export order type order is created in Shopify.  I’ve tested the filters on at least 10 different export orders, and they’re all still being updated even though the filters should prevent that.

I guess I’m going to assume this is some kind of bug and hope it is fixed in a future version.  I am probably going to set it up so that these orders created in Acumatica are only exported after they’ve moved to the Shipping status.  This will prevent any possibility of order settings being rewritten seeing as shipping the order makes it fulfilled on Shopify which automatically archives it and excludes it from future data processing checks.

Varsity III
  • Author
  • Varsity III
  • 44 replies
  • February 20, 2025
jharsh wrote:

You may want to seriously consider upgrading to 2024R2 before you switch to take advantage of the changes and upgrades and not immediately have redo your connector for the new update.  Also your support is going to be an issue with 2023R1.  Just a comment.

I really wish we could have done that, but the timing of this web site transition made it so that it wasn’t possible.  We’re already outside of the Acumatica support window for 23R1, as it ended last November.  

Sadly, we’re in a position where we cannot upgrade until after we switch to Shopify.  Our current website relies on a suite of applications developed in house to sync data between the ERP and the web site.  Those applications target the 20.200 version of Acumatica’s REST API. 

Newer releases of Acumatica have a new endpoint version and if we upgrade the ERP the processing apps would need to be tested against the new API version and updated for any incompatibilities.   The ROI on that is not there, so we’re stuck on 23R1 until we switch to Shopify.  I plan to update Acumatica very soon after the dust settles, that is for sure.  

We’ve been working on switching to Shopify since before our Acumatica support ended so we knew going into it that we were going to be on our own for the switch.  That is part of why I was asking the question here, hoping that someone else had some insight.

  • Freshman II
  • 23 replies
  • February 21, 2025

I understand.  Do not feel bad.  You are not alone in the messy and sometimes frustrating details of maintaining custom integrations, then having core programs catch up only to cause new issues, etc.


It is for just these reasons that as a mid-sided group we finally decided to try and survive within the current.native Acumatica Connector with Shopify.  Just four weeks ago Gesswein migrated from Big Commerce to Shopify Plus to gain the new B2B features on both sides with full understanding of the limitations and missing features still present.  I spent a lot of time at this year’s Summit talking to the Retail, Distribution and Implementation Teams with the hopes that they can get some other important upgrades includes on the Roadmap.


When you are  ready for the next upgrade we would be happy share what we have learned and continue to learn as well as some temporary work arounds we have made to get by.


Good luck my friend!


John Harsh



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