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Ability to support multiple data types of the metafields in Shopify

  • 16 December 2022
  • 3 replies

Freshman III

Currently, the Shopify Connector of Acumatica supports the metafields with the one and only type multi-line text.

But some time ago Shopify had added different types of metafields like decimal, integer, Boolean, date and so on.

The full detailed list of the metafield types you may find in Shopify documentation:

This enhancement of the metafields functionality brought some problems in syncing the Entities with mapped metafields.

The synchronization of the existing metafields with the different types in ERP and Shopify started to fail with the error:

“Error on value: Is not using the expected value_type: ‘[Type]’;”.

In other cases the metafield value type in Shopify was simply overwritten with multi-line text, no matter what it was originally.

Now (starting from the version 2023R1), the export sync of the existing metafields will respect the type of the metafield assigned in Shopify.

For example, if in Shopify the metafield type is ‘boolean’ then the value of the mapped in the ERP metafield should be ‘True/False’ or ‘true/false’ or ‘1/0’. And it will be converted to boolean during the export sync, And any other values will be rejected. 

In the ERP all metafields will stay as text (string) type.


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3 replies

Hi - thanks for this info. Does the integration support sending a LIST of values into one metafield which is supported by Shopify?

Freshman III

Hi, lawsonthalmann.

Yes, it  does support the LISTS. Though, there are some limitations.

It only works for the existing metafields. Let’s say you have a metafield og the Color list type. Then yor mapping value should look like: ='["#FFFFFF", "#00FF00"]'

And themetafield will be synced to Shopify as:

But if you use maping for creating a new metafield, it will be created as a single test type:


Hope this  helps.

@sergueiploujnikov94 Very helpful, thanks! 


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