I’m trying to build two ‘alternate’ sections:
- Limited space that only shows “Continued” (if the details extend beyond one page)
- Visible expr: =([PageIndex]<[PageCount]-1)
- Larger space that shows the full subtotals (intentionally the second-to-last page for terms & conditions at the end)
- =([PageIndex]=[PageCount]-1)
If I apply the visible expressions to the group, it does not appear on any page.
If I apply the visible expressions to the individual fields, it appears as-anticipated (though this defeats the purpose).
Additional information:
- The ProcessOrder is Always in both scenarios
- The PageIndex and PageCount are definitely calculating in both scenarios
- Both are GroupFooters that are setup to PrintOnEveryPage (with the above exceptions, if I can get them to work)
Any ideas? Suggestions?