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Visibility expression for the project history details report.

  • 28 May 2024
  • 4 replies

Hello team,

I’m working on customizing the project history details report (cs600010.rpx) and need assistance setting up a visibility expression. My goal is to configure the report to only display invoices for the billed (Revenue) account group, excluding the unbilled ones.

Could someone guide me on how to write an appropriate visibility expression to achieve this? Any detailed steps and examples would be greatly appreciated.

I have tried using the below expression and yes it does hide the columns, but for everything. 

=IIf(IPMAccountGroup.GroupCD] = 'Revenue', True, False)



Thank you,


If I'm understanding correctly, I believe you'd want that visible expression on detailSection1. This way, the column headers would display correctly for the records that do show. It would simply hide some of the records.

Another option may be to place a condition on the report data which would filter out the records you don't want to show. It depends if you need them for anything else that's happening.

Hi Darylbowman,

I've attempted the first option, but it doesn't seem to work as expected. I'm unable to apply a condition to the data because I want the report to display all records while only showing invoices related to records of the revenue account group. This specific report is not visible on the user interface but is accessed through other reports. In this case, we access it by drilling down into the values of the project profit/loss report.

Try this:

=IIf(LCase(Trim([PMAccountGroup.GroupCD]))='revenue', True, False)


Hi Daryl,

The solution you provided works, thank you😊.
