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Visibility Expression -- check for character(s) at the end of a string

  • 2 July 2024
  • 4 replies

Hi all, I’m creating something in Report Designer and I need to turn on the visibility of a text field based on Inventory ID. I have something like this:


IIf(InStr(tAMProdItem.InventoryID], '-C') > 0, True, False)


So that visibility expression is saying ‘if the ID contains “-C” then display the text box’

The issue is that the -C we want to check for is at the end of the InventoryID -- but we will many time have a multi-hyphenated Inventory ID where “-C” exists in the middle of the ID. We don’t want to check for -C > 0, we want to only check for -C at the end of the string.

How do I do this? I’m assuming I have to use some sort of Index but unsure how to do it. Thank you!

4 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +1


If you wish to look for it at the end of the field you should try “Right()” so that you take the last 2 characters and compare them with “-C”.


IIF(Right([AMProdItem.InventoryID],2)='-C'), True, False)


Hope this works

Userlevel 5


If you wish to look for it at the end of the field you should try “Right()” so that you take the last 2 characters and compare them with “-C”.


IIF(Right([AMProdItem.InventoryID],2)='-C'), True, False)


Hope this works

Thanks Miguel!

I receive a Syntax error:


Userlevel 5
Badge +1

IIF(Right([AMProdItem.InventoryID],2)='-C', True, False)


Sorry one extra )

Userlevel 5

IIF(Right([AMProdItem.InventoryID],2)='-C', True, False)


Sorry one extra )

That did it, thank you!
