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I attended a fascinating summit session given by Steve Hoglum in which he discussed how to optimize GIs by applying conditions in the GI relations table, if I am remembering correctly. I downloaded the presentation PDF but I couldn’t find what I was looking for.

Again, if I remember correctly, he suggested adding conditions in the relations table, something like this:

Did I remember correctly? If so what is the format for dates?

Hi @michael73 , you remembered correctly. What would be even easier is to use a parameter for the date. So you could do something like this:


But it is important that your join is an inner join. So you might want to do this relation on the customer join like so because that can be an inner join:



Here is the parameter:



So the Parameter achieves the same thing as doing it at the relation level? In other words it will not get ALL the data then apply conditions but will rather get data that is within parameters like a where clause in SQL?

@michael73 That’s correct, it will only pull data based on the date you select for your parameter. The parameter just replaces the date you wanted to hardcode
