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A generic inquiry which includes Creation dates for all the users (both native and active directory) was created, but it doesn't display the creation date for some of the active directory users as you can see in the screenshot below. So, what could be the issue and how can it be solved?


Not as far as I know, but check the idea I posted above and add your comments there.

Hi @meganfriesen37,

Thank you for the clue, I checked, and it is the users that were created when the employees logged in the first time that don’t have the creation date and the ones that were added manually have.

So, is there a way to capture creation date on an injury for those that were created upon first sign in?

There’s some additional information here: 

It may depend on how the AD user was created (i.e. was it created manually in Acumatica vs. created when the employee logged in the first time).
