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Trying to add Recurring Unit Price to the Service Contracts GI and getting Duplicate entries

  • 12 June 2024
  • 5 replies

So the request was to add the Recurring Unit Price to the Generic Inquiry for Service Contracts [ScreenID: FS3057PL].   However, when I add the item to the results grid after joining the FSContractPeriodDet Table to the Parent Table: FSServiceContract, I get duplicate line entries on the GI.  I have tried a few things to remedy this and can’t seem to figure it out.  I tried grouping by the Service Contract ID, but it totals the amounts of the lines and that is not correct.  There should only be one line per Service Contract.

Here is the GI:

Here are the results:



Hi @jaymarzian 

FSContractPeriodDet is a detail DAC that can have many lines, so when you join FSServiceContract with FSContractPeriodDet, it will create many lines in case the Service Contract ID has many lines in the Tab 'SERVICES PER PERIOD' as shown in the screenshot below.


Best Regards,


Hi @jaymarzian 

FSContractPeriodDet is a detail DAC that can have many lines, so when you join FSServiceContract with FSContractPeriodDet, it will create many lines in case the Service Contract ID has many lines in the Tab 'SERVICES PER PERIOD' as shown in the screenshot below.


Best Regards,


Hey NNT,

Thanks so much for responding.  I agree that this is normal behavior for items that have more than one detail line, but all of our Service contracts only have one detail line item in services per period.  I am wondering if it is perhaps picking up on two periods, but the line items are identical when they are duplicated.  Is there a way to remove duplicates from the view?



OK - I can see what is happening, but not sure how to get it to view just the one line.  Based on your filter setting for Actions, there is one line item for the current period (Search by Billing Periods) and one line item for the “upcoming period” (Modify Upcoming Billing Period). So I only need to display the current period, NOT the upcoming period.   



i ended up building a custom GI that only shows a status of “active” on the FSContractPeriod table.  I am also using the “PeriodTotal” field to show my recurring fee.



Hi @jaymarzian 

Has your problem been resolved?


Best Regards,

