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Trigger push notifications on non-stock items

  • 16 September 2022
  • 7 replies


We would like to receive push notifications when non-stock items are added or updated. We added the IN-NonStock generic inquiry to one of our existing push notifications, but we are unable to trigger a push notification by updating an existing item. We experimented by adding another GI (AR-Customers) to the same push notification and had no trouble triggering notifications with that one. 

Is there anything about the IN-NonStock generic inquiry that might be preventing us from triggering notifications? Is it indeed the correct GI to use for this purpose?

Thank you.


7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @dhollinden  Can you please share the XML format of the GI, I will check from my end and get back to you. 

Userlevel 3

Thank you, @Naveen Boga. Here’s the XML for the GI “IN-NonStock”. I’m curious to know what kind of things you look for. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

 Hi, @dhollinden  Since you wanted to trigger Push Notifications from the InventoryItem table and InventoryItemCurySettings table, I have removed all the unnecessary tables and the joins.

After I made these changes it is working fine. Please find the attached GI and screenshots for reference.


When it is come to push notifications it is always recommended to have simple joins with few fields.




Userlevel 3

Naveen, thank you so much. This is very helpful. I’ve been through this same problem before, but forgot about the problems associated with having lots of joins, etc. I believe I understand what you’ve done and will test in our environment. If I have any questions, I’ll come back. 

Again, many thanks. 


Userlevel 3

@Naveen Boga I am also having issues with Push Notifications and Inventory Items. Attached is an xml copy of the generic inquiry I am working with. Very similar to the one above but I am including both the InventoryItemCurySettings and INItemCost tables. 

Any thoughts/suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Summary of Events/Issues:

  1. Created Inventory item and all information was received in WebhookInbox as expected.
  2. Changed Item description - no push to WebhookInbox
  3. Changed Item default price - no push to WebhookInbox
  4. Changed Item Last Cost - push to WebhookInbox as expected
  5. Changed Item attribute - no push to WebhookInbox
Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @cshaheen26  Push Notifications GIs recommended to be created as simple as is.

Please create a 2 different PN GI’s

one for InventoryItem, Default Price.

another one is for LastCost.

For the Attributes, you can try to get from the CSAnswers table and check once. (I have not checked this but requesting you to verify like this and I think it should work)

Userlevel 3

@Naveen Boga I have tried adding 3 separate GIs to the PN but the Celigo team was getting errors because they receive 3 different push notifications and the integration is trying to create duplicate records when 1 item is created.

I will keep working on it. Thank you
