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Showing backordered items on Shipment Confirmation

When a shipment is confirmed, the shipment confirmation report no longer shows all of the backordered items.  How can I make this report show all backordered items from the parent sales order, regardless of whether the shipments are confirmed or not?

I thought I could achieve this result with the filters on the backorder sub-report but damned if I can work it out. 

  • Freshman II
  • November 12, 2023

What happens to a line item on a sales order, when a shipment is confirmed?

If a shipment is open, it shows all the items as on backorder, even if they are in the shipment.  In this example OPEN shipment confirmation, the bat is listed as being shipped...and being on backorder.

Once the shipment is confirmed, it now (more correctly) shows only the backordered item.

I need the shipment confirmation to list all back ordered items, regardless of whether the shipment is confirmed or not.  Put another way, I need the sub report to present as though the shipment confirmation is confirmed.

The subreport has 2 filters, and I can’t imagine why products on an OPEN shipment would be included but a CONFIRMED would not.



We have found this challenging as well! Following to see if we get some good answers.

  • Freshman I
  • December 14, 2023

Im tying to do the same thing..

waiting for good answers.



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