Our company has serialized numbers for completed items with each location have a unique sequence of numbers. In some cases the number of ordered items may be 400, 500 or 100 and rather than have the numbers going down the page, if there is a way to have them listed across the page (as a subreport) so as to save the number of pages that are printed such as:
100422KS0033728 100422KS0033729 100422KS0033730 100422KS0033731 100422KS0033732
… the rest of the 400 sequential numbers rather than
100422KS0033729 etc.
In SSRS there is a way to do this as a subreport using a matrix report style with SQL query code that involves using the following formula’s:
SELECT iif(a.ser_lot_no IS NULL, b.ser_lot_no, a.ser_lot_no) AS ser_lot_no
ORDER BY a.ser_lot_no
) AS RowNumber
ORDER BY a.ser_lot_no
) - 1
) / 5 AS ColumnNumber etc. and using parameters of @OrderNumber, @LineNumber, @OrderType linked back to the main report.