Hello Acumatica community!
We are rather new with Acumatica but have been receiving some complaints from users when entering Sales Orders in the system because the codes entered don’t match with the selection the system does, especially comparing with the previous system.
When entering inventory items in the Sales Order screen (SO301000) using the inventory ID code the search return a result from the description found in the middle of the string instead of the first few characters, so the user ends up selecting the wrong code. The user was expecting to have the same results as he entered. Below, when searching for ef1 the first expected option would be “EF1 - EF1” and not “DXPT1-EF1”, thus rendering the problem.
We found out that by changing the “Search Condition” in the site preferences, the behavior of the field is the one we would like. However, this affects the whole system, we would like that to affect only one screen or GI.
I was able to find a topic from 2 years ago with the same problem but no answers.
I will keep searching for a solution as I feel this might have happened to other companies or implementations before and it makes a huge difference for our users.
Thanks and best regards,