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I created a generic inquiry to show all credit notes as per serialized sequence.

On viewing the Inquiry I noticed 9 of them are missing, maybe they were deleted, this may cause problems in auditing.

Kindly assist on how I can retrieve them.


Urgently need you help.

All responses will be appreciated.

Hi @development93 

I think deleted Items cannot be retrieved, could you please check if you have backup SQL,If available you can create again.

You can track the audit history who has deleted the records if needed if it is enabled earlier.



@development93  As you are not sure about the records were deleted or not, have you checked in your by enabling the “Show Deleted Records” checkbox at GI and are able to see the deleted records?



I have checked the "show deleted records"  checkbox but they are not appearing.

@development93  As you are not sure about the records were deleted or not, have you checked in your by enabling the “Show Deleted Records” checkbox at GI and are able to see the deleted records?





Hello @development93 

For check to the deleted credit memo records please check the PX.Objects.AR.ARRegister DAC. And please select the “Show Deleted Records” check box in the GI.









To prevent employees from being able to delete records, access to screens could be set at the “Insert” level or leaving the access at “Delete” level, you can revoke access to the Delete (trash can) button.  You cannot delete records in Acumatica that have been posted, so the “missing” documents may have been entered, saved and recognized as being wrong and then deleted.  Leaving unposted documents in the system will prevent you from being able to close the module at month end.  There is no document status for “this is wrong, never post it, but keep it for archiving”

To prove that there are no missing transactions, you could instead look at your GL transactions.  Find the GL transaction number from your last and first documents around the gap and then you should be able to prove that there are no missing transactions from the AR module during that period.  Be aware that other types of AR documents will also use the same GL Batch numbering sequence, so there likely will be other transactions between that “first” and “last” document.  As well, if documents were not released sequentially, you may have to look at a larger amount of transactions in your GL.

