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Purchase Request History (GI)

  • 29 June 2022
  • 3 replies

We need an generic inquiry that will show users statuses of their PO Requests all the way up to related PO Receipts.

Please help us to link the Request Line table to Requisition Line table.

There is a button on the Requests screen that will open up the Requisition detail. What fields should we use to link together Request Line to the related Requisition Line in the GI?

Many thanks in advance!

3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +6


You need to link Requisition Lines DAC/Table  (RQRequisitionLine) to Requsition Content DAC/Table (RQRequisitionContent) using ReqNbr and ReqLineNbr as the link and OrderNbr and LineNbr on RQRequisitionContent will be your Request Number and Line Number.

SQL query can be something as followed:

RQRequisitionLine R LEFT JOIN RQRequisitionContent C
ON R.ReqNbr=C.ReqNbr

AND R.LineNbr= C.ReqLineNbr

AND R.CompanyID=C.CompanyID -- Not necessary on GI

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Thank you very much Sam. That worked.

Userlevel 4

Thank you very much Sam. That worked.

I have these in  the form of a report done in report designer , and there is one field which is not appearing on screen despite being on the report.

I have the Unit Cost field which I have from the POLine table (CuryUnitCost field).


I have a link between the POOrderReceiptLink and POLine tables as per the schema below and the links defined, however the Currency Unit Cost is not displayed when running the report (the field is marked as visible0 what could be the challenge?

