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Hi All,


Is there a way in Acumatica to bulk update a particular field in all the Business Accounts/Customers/Vendors? If yes, can we perform bulk updates on the records filtered by a certain criteria?

For example: Change the Owner field for all Business Accounts in Colorado State with Status “Active”.


Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

As an alternative, I would like to suggest the Mass Update option in Generic Inquiries. To do this, locate the Business Accounts Generic Inquiry, click Customization->Edit Generic Inquiry:

In the Entry Point tab, click “Enable Mass Record Update”:


In The Mass Update Fields tab (it will show up after you check “Enable Mass Record Upate”), add the Owner field, and any other field you want to enable mass update on:

Save the inquiry and then click View Inquiry or the back button to go back to the inquiry.

Mass update is now possible through the Actions menu:



A video demo can be found here: 


Thanks a lot for your detailed answer Stephan! It is really helpful. We were curious if there is a way to do it via API as well. The steps you have described indicate that it needs to be done manually. 

Please let me know if you need any clarifications. Thanks again for your time.

Hi @Amruta 


This can be accomplished using an Import Scenario.  If your Import Scenario tries to process a record with a key field that already exists in Acumatica, Acumatica will update the existing record for that key field rather than create a new one.


For example, if an Excel file is generated that lists all the Business Accounts you want to update, you can create an Import Scenario that sets the Owner field for all the records in the Excel file.



Since the Owner field on the Business Accounts screen is a lookup field, I am using the Owner’s email address to assign the Owner in this screenshot.  Filtering can be handled by either filtering what is in the Excel file ahead of time, or by setting Source Restrictions on the Import Scenario screen to have Acumatica filter the Excel file:



In general, this approach can be used to update any type of data that has a screen which exposes the field you want to update.
