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Parameter dependancies

  • 27 June 2024
  • 4 replies

I am trying to create a very simple custom report, i based it on a GI that works just fine. The goal is to first put in a customer, then to select one of the customers locations. (all based on the SOOrder table)

However, in the report i cant get a simple Parameter dependency to function even after following several online threads on how to update the report from the GI.

I added the “,CustName” reference to the end of the GetFieldSchema, just as suggested in topics and as I saw it done on some stock reports, but the field never populates no matter what customer is selected.

I have this sneaky feeling that i’m missing something obvious/simple and I hope some fresh eyes will be able to point out what I missed.

Edit: The CustName parameter works fine, it filters the report as intended.

Hi @ChrisB 

Please try Parameter as below:



Best Regards,


So I added the ARPayment table to the form and it worked great, im getting the appropriate lists in that parameter field now. 

But it seems like my “@CustLoc” parameter just doesnt work with filtering, and my results are multiplied oddly (tried both inner and left joins to clear it up). If i leave the location blank it displays every order for the customer regardless of location, which is how I wanted the filter to work so thats okay, but if I put in a location i get zero results.


Filters: (i used both SOOrder.CustomerLocationID and ARPayment.CustomerLocationID on line 2 to see if it made a difference, i also cut out everything but the top 2 lines on another test.)

Results: (I changed the Tag to display SOOrder.CustomerLocationID , the order date to ARPayment.CustomerLocationID  and branch to display “@CustLoc” temporarily just so i could see what was going on with the values.)


Hi @ChrisB were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Unfortunately not yet, no.

Due to the low priority of this task and the various other requests I’ve had to deal with I haven’t had time to come back to this yet, so I’m not in too big of a rush.
