Trying to build out a GI and needing some help on an IF statement.
Here’s the scenario.
If the Lot/Serial class is ‘LOTTED’, then the Lot/Serial Nbr. column should be ‘green’ for ‘LOTTED’ items where it is not empty and ‘red’ for ‘LOTTED’ items that are empty. If it is not LOTTED, then it should be ‘default’.
If the Lot/Serial Class is ‘DEFAULT’, the QTY Remaining column should be ‘green’ if QTY Remaining > QTY on Hand and should be ‘red’ if QTY Remaining < QTY on Hand. If it is LOTTED, then it should be ‘default’ in this column.
Here are my existing formulas in the respective fields:
QTY Remaining:
=IIf( [AMProdMatl.QtyReq] > [INSiteStatusSummary.QtyOnHand], 'bad', 'good' )
Lot/Serial Nbr:
=IIf([AMProdItem.LotSerialNbr]= Null,'bad', 'good' )