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Inventory Item Cost analysis

  • 19 July 2024
  • 3 replies

Is there A report or DAC that can show a detailed transactional cost analysis of an item? it should show the unit cost per piece, by PO receipt, including and excluding landed costs.

Please let me know. 


Did you try Historical Inventory Valuation report, Detail version?



I’m looking to analyze the “purchase” price trend with and without the landed cost, the Historical Inventory Valuation report is based on the inventory value since we use the average valuation method it wont give me that information.


I think you will need a custom report to analyze Purchase prices with and without landed costs. 

Purchase Order Receipt Details report might be used as a starting point - PO Receipt details already offers a range of dates and ability to select by item & vendor.

The PO Receipt includes both the Unit Cost of the Items and the Landed Cost amounts.  However, the Landed Cost amounts at the PO Receipt level are not separated by Item. 

Your custom report will need to join Inventory transactions to report the Landed Costs by item.  Some calculations will be needed.  Possibly, a subreport could be needed to calculate the Landed Costs by item from INTran.

