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Increase The character length in report designer.


in quick checks, we have a report called payment voucher.

in a case like this the report works fine


But, as soon as the numbers increases by one 0, the report wont work. ex now the Amounts are 4,000,000.00. if those numbers are 40,000,000.00 the report wont work.


does anyone can help me on this. i’m attaching the rpx file here as well

Thank you.


Could you check if there are any Messages or Exceptions from this line instead?


Hi @darylbowman,


These are the Messages from the report. 

Thank You.

From the errors, it looks like you'd be using CInt() on that amount field somewhere. The amount field should be a decimal, which allows for much larger numbers than a integer. I believe this is your problem.

Hi @darylbowman

Is there a workaround to solve this problem that you know of using report designer?

Thank you.


Could you select the amount field in Report Designer and paste the formula or value of the property called Value (I think) on the right hand side?

Hi @darylbowman 

Did you mean this one?



That one is fine. Could you select all of the fields that show that number on the report and check their Value to see if any of them contain CInt()?

these are all the fields that show that number. no field contain Clnt().

Looking at the error messages again, it looks like the error is happening in reportFooterSection2. Could you see if you have a section defined like that?

Hi @darylbowman 

in the reportFooterSection2 there is a variable that contains Clnt()

used to display the Amount in words. is there a way i could fix this?

Hi @darylbowman 


I was able to resolve the issue by replacing the CInt() with CDec(). thank you for your guidance. didn’t know where to look :)


Thanks again.

