I am new to developing forms in Acumatica and in Acumatica in general, my coding knowledge might be just starting to hit intermediate level, although with C# I would say I am still basic. However my issue doesn’t seem to be code related it seems to be more of an issue of me not understanding HOW the sorting works in Acumatica. On the Pick List form on the Detail Section 1 area (not kits the next detail area) it has 2 fields that I want to sort by, SOShipLine.InventoryID OR SOShipLineSplit.InventoryID. I put those 2 fields in the Schema Builder in the Sorting area, however it completely IGNORES anything I seem to put there, I tried with the out of box form and our customized form and the sorting does literally NOTHING in BOTH cases so I clearly must not understand something, I will attach the relevant pictures. If someone could explain to me how I can get this form to sort by the InventoryID instead of the BIN location or anything else that is what I need. I thought this would be very simple but I have been trying for days literally, read the ENTIRE manual Acumatica puts out for the report builder and it is WAY WAY WAY to basic, it doesn’t go into ANY kind of detail at all.
Is there more I need to do besides putting the field I want to sort by in the Sorting? I put both SOShipLine.InventoryID and SOShipLineSplit.InventoryID in the sorting box and I tried each one individually, and I tried adding each one into the Grouping, and when I do that lines go missing out of the report. So I clearly do not know what I am doing with Sorting and Grouping. Also if anyone has a link to a GOOD DETAILED manual on how the Reports in Acumatica works I would LOVE to read it.
Thank You in Advance,
Here is it not working if you look at the 2 lines one starts with REPG2 and the next is REPG0 and I have it ascending so it should be opposite of this, I did check with larger reports no difference.

From the collections menu, Sorting Field 2