How to separate (Provisional ticked lines ) and untick lines in attached progress claim report
I need assistance with organizing the lines in the attached progress claim report. Specifically, I want to separate the provisional unticked lines from the ticked lines in the report's detail section.
i would like to display unticked lines first and then ticked lines in the report detail section.
Can someone please provide guidance on how to do this?
I have attached the report for your reference.
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If you want to sort a grid by a certain field you can create a graph extension and add the field you want to sort by to the OrderBy part of the BQL View that populates the grid. In your case since the field you want to sort by is actually a custom field you can make a DAC extension to track the custom field and then sort using that.
So first you need a DAC extension like below which will allow you to access the custom field later on.
public class PMRevenueBudgetExt : PXCacheExtension<PMRevenueBudget>
#region UsrCustomField
DPXUIField(DisplayName = "Usr Provisional")]
public virtual bool? UsrProvisional { get; set; }
public abstract class usrProvisional : PX.Data.BQL.BqlBool.Field<usrProvisional> { }
And then you need the graph extension like below, this overrides the default RevenueBudget View and adds in an OrderBy clause, which orders the results by your UsrProvisional field.
oSerializable] public class PMRevenueBudgetExt : PXCacheExtension<PMRevenueBudget> { #region UsrCustomField tPXDBBool()] PXUIField(DisplayName = "Usr Provisional")] public virtual bool? UsrProvisional { get; set; } public abstract class usrProvisional : PX.Data.BQL.BqlBool.Field<usrProvisional> { } #endregion }
Let me know if that works for you!
Hi Philip,
Thanks for your response to my query on the report. however i would like to use this in the progress claim report and want to separate the provisional unticked lines from the ticked lines in the report's detail section.
i would like to display unticked lines first and then ticked lines in the report detail section.
Thanks :-)
Oops that is my bad, your question was clear! (Disclaimer, I was not able to get the PM644500 report to open, I kept on getting an error saying ‘Invalid object name 'PMProformaLineInfo'’, the steps below is what I think should mostly work but I haven’t tested on this report)
To sort the report details view by the UsrProvisional field
Open the report in Report Designer
Go to File->Build Schema which will open the Schema Builder window
Then click on the Sort And Grouping tab
In the “Enter sorting conditions here : ” list enter the UsrProvisional field.
Here is a pic for clarity.
Note 1 :
If you don’t see your field then you may need to
go to Files->Build Schema
open the Tables tab
enter your credentials and instance url and click the “Load Schema” button And finally click the “Refresh All” button at the bottom right of the screen
Note 2 : If you followed the above and still not getting the sorting you want you may need to change the sort order of the group as opposed to the report.
Hope that helps, or at least does not totally misunderstand you question :)