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How to pull the most recent currency rate for a GI

  • 15 July 2024
  • 3 replies

How can I use the most recent currency rate for a calculation in a GI. The currency rates are constantly being updates so when the field is pulled in a GI it is pulling all the effective rates instead of just the most recent one. Has anyone had experience with this/been able to use just the most recent currency exchange rate? 

3 replies

Badge +18


Try sorting/grouping by Date and adding MAX aggregate function to the date field in the results.


Here is a screen shot example of an Aggregate function used in the results of a GI.  You will add MAX to the row containing your Currency Effective Date, where this picture uses COUNT.


Thank you for the response. I have tried doing this, but the issue is that when creating the grouping by Date or by the FromCurrency that is being converted, the Currency rate is being grouped as well from all updates of the currency rate. So the currency rate being shown is much larger than expected. Is there a way to group by Date while only showing the most recent date and most recent conversion rate? 



Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi @dlesser,As per my experience, it is more straightforward to obtain the Currency Rate for calculations from the CurrencyInfo DAC. As an example, please check the screenshot.

An Invoice 

If you are dealing with invoices and need to obtain the currency conversion rates for calculations as seen on the SO303000 screen, you can directly obtain them by joining the ARInvoice DAC with the CurrencyInfo DAC using the relation ARInvoice.curyInfoID = CurrencyInfo.curyInfoID.     
