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Is there an example GI somewhere that provides me an example of how to list all of the “child” members of the company tree based on the ParentWGID of my Employee Account?

Hello @NetAdmin42,

If it helps, we managed to configure a report which shows the workgroup assigned for the employee and his/her direct supervisor.

You can find the GI in the attachment.

Hello @NetAdmin42,

If it helps, we managed to configure a report which shows the workgroup assigned for the employee and his/her direct supervisor.

You can find the GI in the attachment.

Hello @mihai ,

Would you be willing to send me that XML attachment to my email address of ?

Recently none of my browsers are able to DL attachments from the forums.  All of them fail with the error of “Missing Key-Pair-Id query parameter or cookie value”.  Even though I have the site setup as an exception to pop-ups and cookies.  Thank you,

What I am looking to do is create a GI that reports back all of the members to the top level of the tree.  For example, let us say we have the following Tree.

The top level is Product with a single member of VP-Jane Doe

Under Sales there is a single member of Sales Mgr-John Doe
Under Service there is a single member of Service Mgr-Jane Smith
Under Sales/North there are three (members) Sales people
Under Sales/South there are three (members) Sales people
Under Service/North there are three (members) Service people
Under Service/South there are three (members) Service people

I want to create a GI that reports for VP-Jane Doe all 14 (fourteen) people that report to her.
While for each of the Mgrs, (Sales and Service) it only reports back those 6 (six) people that report to them respectively.
I am NOT able to use the Reports To, (ie SupervisorID) from the Employee record because that does not tie directly back to Jane Doe as the top-level management person.  Only the direct line of manager.


@jgrammer73 - this is currently a known issue on the site


@jgrammer73 file downloads should be fixed
