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Hello Acumatica Team,

I am wondering how we can attach emails sent from the system to a purchase order as an activity. In the notification template, there is an "Attach as activity" checkbox, but it doesn't seem to add the sent email to the purchase order. How can we achieve this?

This email is supposed to get sent once a purchase order needs approval from another person, so it is not connected to a report.


Hi @jwestermann17 

If you are using below options you can tag the activities in the Purchase order screen.

1.Email Purchase order

2,Print Purchase order> send> Send email

3, Business event- Need to tag the note ID in the email template to reflect the activites.


Add ((POOrder_noteID)) In PO and tag in the email template


Hello @Manikanta Dhulipudi,

Thank you, but when I select the "Purchase Order" screen in the notification template, the "Link to Entity" option disappears. This means the business event doesn't have a way to attach it.


Attach Activity The check box that indicates (if selected) that the system creates an activity while sending an email by using this notification template and links this activity to the entity that a user created by using the data entry form specified in the Screen box.
The check box does not appear on the form if the notification template is used as a subscriber of a business event created to monitor data changes collected by a generic inquiry. The Link to Entity box is used instead.
If this check box is selected and an activity has been created, a user can view the activity for this entity on the Activities tab of the corresponding form or in the Tasks & Activities dialog box, which opens if you click Activities on the form title bar. For details about activities, see Emails and Activities: General Information.
For example, if the Sales Orders (SO301000) form is specified in the Screen box and the notification template is used as subscriber of a business event configured to monitor data changes for this form, the system links the activity to a sales order that triggered the event.
If a notification template is not used as a subscriber of a business event, the state of the check box does not affect the system.

@Manikanta Dhulipudi 

Thank you. We have set up this email regarding an approval workflow under our purchase order preferences. I assume in this case the checkbox should link the activity to the purchase order once the email is sent. Since it doesn’t, it’s probably a bug and we need to build a generic inquiry + business event for it?


Hi @jwestermann17 

May be bug in Acumatica on approval workflow.

Please open a case with Acumatica.

Hi @jwestermann17 were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi @Chris Hackett, unfortunately we did not find a solution yet.
