How to add user email when emailing invoice In Report Designer
I am new user for Acumatica and have a question regarding adding email address in Report Designer. I am looking to add the email address of the user to invoice SO643000. My goal is when I click on Email Invoice under Invoice, it will send an email to the customer and also BCC to the user on the account.
I have read some of the threads on the forum but it mostly just about setting up email but not on adding CC/BCC automatically.
I have try to use =Report.GetDefUI('RowAccessInfo.UserName') on the BCC field in Report Designer but it don’t seems to work. I try to use this logic in the Text Box and it does show the user email address.
Is there a formula or logic that allow the system to pull the user email address base on who is login to the site when emailing? Preferably in Report Designer and not Acumatica as I am not familiar with the coding and logic there.
Thank you.
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Which user are you looking to cc? the user that create the invoice?
Hi Yhartman,
I am looking to have add the person who is logged in on the UI, not the person who created. Example warehouse would be the one creating invoice during the shipping process. I would want my Sales team to be able to email invoice to customer and CC or BCC back to the Sale person who click on the Action “Email Invoice”.
I have tried using =Report.GetDefUI('RowAccessInfo.UserName'), which does return the login name which is the email address of the user base on testing it on a text box in the Report Designer, however it seems the system does not recognized the output. I had hardcode email address in Report Designer and it work fine, but that would mean only that one particular email address will get all the email, regardless of who is actually logged in and email the invoice out.
Thank you.
Hi Calvin,
I was able to do it in the following way. You should test it to make sure its works as expected.
Under Tables > Add the users table
Under Relationships > Cross Join ARInvoice to Users
Under Parameters > Add UserID the AccessInfo
Under Filters > Filter to only show the current user
Finally populate the CC field.
I would love to hear what others think about method as this is sort of a hack.
Hi Yhartman,
Thank you for your instructions. Unfortunately it did not work on my report. Below would be my screen shots of the steps I followed. Please let me know if there is an error in between the steps.
for the email, it has two ‘ instead of a “
When I try to generate just the report to see, it gave me an error and not able to generate a info.
Thank you,
It looks like your users table is PX.Web.UI.SharedColumnSettings+Users it should be PX.SM.Users. That might be the issue.
I attached my working report.
Thank you Yhartman!
It work perfectly! This is great Thank you for your prompt assistance.