I’ve tried joining on Shipment and its line split, as well as via INTran and INTranSplit.
I wrote a query to pull some relevant data. It is later filtered from ARTran details in SO643000.
trans ARDocType ARRefNbr POReceiptNbr RefNbr SOOrderNbr SOShipmentNbr Split LotSerialNbr
INTran INV AR012036 PR002026 005940 SO007464 PR002026 INTranSplit
INTran INV AR012035 NULL 005939 SO007463 005039 INTranSplit SRF000005
INTran INV AR012035 NULL 005939 SO007463 005039 INTranSplit SRF000006
INTran INV AR012035 NULL 005939 SO007463 005039 INTranSplit 20230307
The top one is what I have in the ARTran. The bottom three are what actually have the serials for the invoice in question. It doesn’t have serials, and I can’t find a single ID in common.
The test case I have is here. It has serialized items on the invoice, but getting them is the problem.
Any help is appreciated.