Long story short, I have certain items that have zero quantity, but are still showing a cost both on our inventory reports, and the GL. This is from the Historical Inventory Valuation report - in aggregate, it balances to the GL. There aren’t any other issues with Warehouse/Branch/etc - it all relates to the costs not clearing properly.
Here we can see where it starts. We receive 7 of this particular item for $85.11, but when it’s sold, it’s relieved from inventory for $81.81, leaving the $3.30 with 0 qty.

The next month we can see that $3.30 carries through.

Looking at the Inventory Transaction Details, the purchase in August matches the Inventory report, but it shows an ending unit cost of $8.31, vs the $8.86 (53.16/6) unit cost on the report

This is just a single example that’s easy to see on an item that goes to 0 and up again, but it’s pervasive across our inventory IDs.
Certainly not impressed that our inventory reports aren’t reliable and the system is messing around with our cost of sales values.
I ran the ‘Recalculate Inventory’ process, but that doesn’t do anything here.
I’d definitely appreciate any insight about what might be happening here, as I have no idea what’s causing it, or how to fix the issues that are there because of it.