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GI to pull Project info and Inventory Location info after 2023R1 table changes

We had a Project Inventory Location GI we had created in 2022R2 we use heavily.  Now that we are upgrading to 2023R2, the GI has to be re-written because of the PMLocationStatus and PMLotSerialStatus tables having been removed in 2023R1.  I’ve been trying to get the GI modified using the table references in the Release Notes for 2023R1.  I am apparently missing something.  I would appreciate help reviewing our original GI (titled Project_Inventory_Location.xml attached here) against the version I am working to modify in our SANDBOX for our upgrade to 2023R2 titled MR_050724_Project Inventory Location.xml attached here.  The modified GI is creating duplicate rows.  I’ve reviewed the GI and am not seeing the reason for the duplicate rows being returned.  Thanks for looking and any help you might offer in advance.

Have you taken a look at the inquiries that Acumatica has published here?  They should work with 23R1 and newer.  


So, those “two’ inquiries do work with 23Rx.  However, they aren’t providing the information we use and I am still struggling to get the same information as we were originally able to pull using our GI from our 2022R2 build referencing the new tables.  Certainly likely it is something in the way I am constructing/modifying the GI.  Anyone with more experience than me and some time to review what I’ve provided in .xml files earlier and willing to help me figure this out would be appreciated.

Hi @mrhoades were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

No luck getting anyone to help me figure out how to regain the full scope of Project Inventory Location information our 2022R2 GI was able to retrieve.  We’ve had to settle for a lot less Project Inventory location visibility in 2023R2 after the table changes at this point.  Not sure why those changes to the database structure were needed, but they certainly were not an improvement in our case.

Hi @mrhoades 

On your new inquiry, check that you’ve also joined the INLocationStatusByCostCenter to InLotSerialStatusByCostCenter on all the key fields.  I think you might be missing the CostCenterID field

Here’s a similar inquiry that I built for another customer.  They have a few custom tables on it as well.  Also keep in mind that items that don’t have a serial/lot number won’t be in the INLotSerialStatusByCostCenter table


Thank you for the response Megan. I’ll revisit my latest iteration of my GI to see if I’ve missed that.
