Hi @K2a Please share the XML format of the GI here?
A bit more background:
Colorado just implemented a 0.27 retail sales tax on anything delivered by vehicle in the state. So when our Shopify orders originate with a ship-to in CO they capture this 0.27 fee. However the commerce connector does NOT bring this over into ACU. Since we are using Avalara (and so is Shopify) we’ve been instructed to create a $0 non-stock item and add it to the SO and it will create the tax line.
I’m trying to automate adding the non-stock line to the SO. I have an import scenario based on this GI (XML Attached) that updates the SO perfectly. The challenge is this GI still recognizes the SO as needing the the non-stock item after it has been added because of my criteria (state = CO, status = Open).
I need to evaluate ALL the rows in a Sales Order and only surface the ones that meet my criteria and DO NOT have the Non-Stock item (COLOFEE) attached! (i.e. the “having” clause in sql)
I heard that grouping in GI’s doesn’t work very well so you will see an aggregate function where I am trying to add up a field to get a filtering criteria...=iif(lInventoryItem.StkItem]=1,0,1)
Any ideas are appreciated!
we are on 2021R1.
Have you tried adding a UDF that the import scenario can ‘mark’ the order as updated? Then filter the GI on that UDF. We use something similar to mark orders as printed/purchased.
@DanielByrum that’s an interesting idea...I will look at that.
@DanielByrum that definitely seems to work. I’ll check to see if we’re up for doing that in our PROD enviro.