We have created a GI and we are calculating values in the Results Grid to come up with a Percentage Complete. Formula is (ActualAmount / RevisedAmount)*100. This should give us a Percentage Result.
However, The Calculation results are inconsistent.
For Example, the Actual Amount is 2400 and the Revised Amount is 4800. The Percentage Result is coming back at 100. It should be 50%.
Another Example, The Actual Amount is 52716 and the Revised Amount is 138000. The percentage Result is coming back as 76% it should be 38%.
But then in another line example the calculation is correct. The Actual amount is 7992 and the Revised Amount is 14800 and the resulting percentage is 54% and this is correct.
We can not figure out why this calculation is incorrect and inconsistent.
here is the actual line in the results grid.
=CInt(IIF(CBudgetRevenue.CuryRevisedAmount]=0,0 , (=BudgetRevenue.CuryActualAmount])/lBudgetRevenue.CuryRevisedAmount]*100))