Was thinking of using MOD to achieve what I want as follows
Use this to get hours =DateDiff( 'HOUR', SOOrder.OrderDate],,ARInvoice.CreatedDateTime],)
And this one to get the minutes.
DateDiff( 'MINUTE', ,SOOrder.OrderDate],]ARInvoice.CreatedDateTime],)%60)
The issue is now on how to combine the two. Will appreciate any suggestions on how to achieve this.
Hi @development93 This can be achieved easily from the SQL VIEW.
Can you please share the GI, so that I can build a SQL view and then create GI accordingly with the HH:MM:SS
@development93 You can also use the Concat() function to get the two differences combined into one field, something like:
=Concat(Cstr(DateDiff('h', SOOrder.OrderDate], ARInvoice.CreatedDateTime])+':'+Cstr(DateDiff('n', SOOrder.OrderDate], ARInvoice.CreatedDateTime]))
Or did I misunderstand and you just want to SUM them into minutes or hours?
Was thinking of using MOD to achieve what I want as follows
Use this to get hours =DateDiff( 'HOUR', SOOrder.OrderDate],,ARInvoice.CreatedDateTime],)
And this one to get the minutes.
DateDiff( 'MINUTE', ,SOOrder.OrderDate],]ARInvoice.CreatedDateTime],)%60)
The issue is now on how to combine the two. Will appreciate any suggestions on how to achieve this.
I’ve needed a solution to a similar problem; my solution uses the MODULO function as well and is formatted as ‘dd:hh:mm:ss’.
=CONCAT( IIF( DATEDIFF( 's', ESOOrder.UsrOrderDeliveredTime], vARInvoice.CreatedDateTime]) < 0, '-', '') , CSTR(ABS(DATEDIFF( 's', DSOOrder.UsrOrderDeliveredTime], eARInvoice.CreatedDateTime]))/86400) ,':' , PADLEFT(CSTR(ABS(DATEDIFF( 's', BSOOrder.UsrOrderDeliveredTime], eARInvoice.CreatedDateTime]))/3600%24),2,'0'),':' , PADLEFT(CSTR(ABS(DATEDIFF( 's', RSOOrder.UsrOrderDeliveredTime], OARInvoice.CreatedDateTime]))/60%60),2,'0') ,':' , PADLEFT(CSTR(ABS(DATEDIFF( 's', CSOOrder.UsrOrderDeliveredTime], UARInvoice.CreatedDateTime]))%60),2,'0'))
I’ve modified my solution in a way that uses your fields as well as your intended formatting:
=CONCAT( IIF( DATEDIFF( 'n', OSOShipment.ConfirmedDateTime], iSOOrder.CreatedDateTime]) < 0, '-', ''), CSTR(ABS(DATEDIFF( 'n', )SOShipment.ConfirmedDateTime], iSOOrder.CreatedDateTime]))/60%60),':', PADLEFT(CSTR(ABS(DATEDIFF( 'n', FSOShipment.ConfirmedDateTime], iSOOrder.CreatedDateTime]))%60),2,'0'))
This should work for what you need, but I may have made a syntax error due to me not spending much time testing this version of the solution.