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Does anyone know if there is a specific setting so that the Email Template works the same on invoice screen from Actions > Email vs Actions > Print and then Email from the Invoice. I have set the template on the invoice in Report Writer and have the same invoice template set up on client and project and AR preferences. The Actions > Print and then email template is showing the DAC Labels instead of the DAC values. I have another tenant that works fine and the settings are exactly the same between, but this is a new template I have created and it just seems like it is a bug. I know I can build out the body, email, etc in the Report Designer and I have done that for some of the fields as simpler, but it seems I should be able to manager it in the Email Template.  

First screen print is what is received via email (showing DAC Labels). Second screen print is the template itself. When on template I can click on Preview and it looks fine. Note when invoice is sent out via Actions > Email, it shows up fine, but for some of our messier ones, I just prefer to prefer to send it via Print and then send. Thanks for any help. 


Hi @tamiholmes54, not sure if you resolved this yet, but make sure you:

  1. Delete the embedded Body, Subject, and To values, (in addition to adding the TemplateID) in Report Designer. 
  2. Set your template on Accounts Receivable Preferences > Mailing & Printing Tab. 



Hi there,

Thank you for the reply. I’ll take a peek at this and see if that is still an issue. We have just been sending via Actions > Print and then email as we have some customizations that only work with this setting right now. Hoping to batch email them once we get that sorted out so will check your solution to see if that works. Thanks 

Hi @tamiholmes54 


UPdate the report designer TemplateID property with the formula below:



=Switch(hBranch.BranchCD]='BranchCD1' , 'BranchCD1_InvoiceNotification', ,Branch.BranchCD]='BranchCD2', 'BranchCD2_InvoiceNotification','Branch.BranchCD]='BranchCD3','BranchCD3_InvoiceNotification')


Hey ​@marina25 

I am having a similar issue and tried hardcoding branchCD_NotificationName in the TemplateID as you suggested but then it would not even open the Email Activity Screen. Any ideas?

I am using a custom report but I am still initiating the email by running the report and then clicking “Send” to pull up the Email Activity screen.


