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The Inventory Trend KPI is not returning any data. It uses the DB GL History generic inquiry filtered by “Inventory” class GL accounts. The KPI setup is as follows with the “Filter Settings” based on the Inventory filter.:

The Inventory tab on the GI looks as follows:

The drilldown tab of the GI returns no records and the filter settings include date parameters.

Where are those date parameters coming from and how can I work around them? I’m pretty certain that is causing the lack of data since the “Fin. Date” is month end and the dates being added to the filter are based on the current date.



Hi @alicezyks51  Can you please share the XML format of the DB GL History generic inquiry, I can create and check the KPI dashboard from my side.

Attached is the xml - thanks!

Hi @alicezyks51 

Can you check if there are any lines that matches the filter criteria set? I am sure there are more lines on result and there may be, just wanted to confirm. 




Hi @alicezyks51  For some reason, I’m not able attach the text here, hence sharing the screenshot

Thanks Naveen B!


I added the financial period Start Date to the GI and used that instead of Fin Date as the timeline field in the KPI setup and it is now returning data as expected.

Awesome  @alicezyks51 Thanks for sharing the update.  
