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I have a dashboard with a scorecard tile that gives an invoice total for the current year. It is set up with parameters for date so that if the user onlys want to see the invoices for February, they can choose the appropriate dates on the dashboard. 

Then there is another scorecard that gives the invoice total for the previous year to date. It also has parameters so that the user can choose the dates and compare invoice total to to the same month last year for example. 

I have added a trend tile and it updates based on the salesperson selected, but does not update based on the dates selected, so that if the dashboard user selects February of 2022 and February of 2023, the trend tile still displays the trend for all of 2022 to all of 2023. Is there a way to configure the trend tile to also consider the dates selected by the user of the dashboard and give a trend for February 2022 to February 2023 if that is what the user has selected? I have selected last year as the period to compare. 


Hi @theresa27 

What does your Generic Inquiry look like for the KPI? Do you have parameters set and conditions? 

Can you share the XML of the GI?


Hi Kandy, 

I am using the same GI for all 3 tiles. It does not have parameters in the GI, I was trying to configure it to use the parameters from the dashboard. It works as I expected for the scorecard tiles, but not for the trend tile. Do I need to create the parameters in the GI in order to use them in the trend tile? 

I have attached a copy of the XML for my GI. 

Thank you for your help!

Hi @theresa27  were you able to find a solution? Thank you!

Hi Chris, 

No not yet. If it helps, here is more detail. 

I have sales from invoices current year, sales from invoices previous year and then a trend tile. with parameters to choose different start and end dates. 

Sales from invoices this year to date compared to last year to date

When we choose different start and end dates, the sales from invoices for the current year and the sales from invoices for the previous year update as expected, but the trend stays the same. 

February sales only 

What I was hoping to do was to get the trend tile to also update so that when choosing a time frame, it would reflect the change between those 2 time frames. For example, when comparing February of 2023 to February of 2022, the increase was around $11,100 for around 5% increase. 

Is that possible? 

The attached file is only GI. If you like please attach the DB so that we can have a look.

Hi Reza, 

Do you mean attach our Database? I don’t think I know how -  I have tried before to take a snapshot and I don’t think we have enough room in our license to do it. How else could I attach the DB here? 

From Dashboards (SM208600), select your desired DB, export it as XML, and attach it as you did for the GI. If you don’t have access to this screen ask your system admin.

I see, thank you! I have attached a copy of that dashboard XML now too. 
