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Customer Order Balance

  • 15 May 2024
  • 1 reply

I am trying to create a GI to compare a customer sales order totals to the open order value from the Customer Financial Tab.  Is it possible to use the DAC CustomerBalanceSummary in a GI linked to Customer ID in Sale Orders?


1 reply

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

Hello @dsimmerly ,

Unfortunately, you can't get values from CustomerMaint.CustomerBalanceSummary DAC. Because this is a virtual/ Nonexistent in DB (like a database view) DAC. The OpenOrdersBalance is a calculated field.

As per my understanding, this amount is calculated from the PX.Objects.SO.SOOrder DAC. The Open Orders Balance is a total of unbilledOrderTotal in the SOOrder DAC. That is how it is calculated.

Maybe you can try below KB article, to get the drill down of the customer Open Orders Balance from SO tables.

