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Is it possible to add the same GI as a side side panel? We have a gi that lists kit assembly details and would like to reference the same GI on a side panel but with respect to the selected item as shown below:

However, The GI is not getting filtered based on Inventory ID


We have it set up as shown below:

Desired outcome should be as follows:

Kit Inventory ID Revision Qty Side Panel- Inventory ID Revision  Qty
Q123 ABC 15 Q123 ABC 15
      Q123 CDF 20

How can we achieve this result? Thank you in advance!

@lauraj46 , @Robert Sternberg - any ideas? thank you!

I dont see why you cannot do what you are attempting so what is the result you are getting?

If you want to send me the GI i can have a look

I was able to get this to function in 2023R1 by manually typing the Screen ID of the GI directly in the Navigation Target Link and Saving.  


With that being said I do not think this is intended functionality (self-Side-Panel) and a better way to handle this is to:

  1. Duplicate your GI using Copy > Paste. 
  2. Name the Original GI ‘Kit Assy - Summary’
  3. Name the new duplicated GI ‘Kit Assy - Details’. 

Kit Assy - Summary will be your primary GI and you will have a side panel of Kit Assy - Details.  

This approach will be less likely to break down the road if validation is added to the link field and will limit unexpected behavior using the approach I mentioned above. 
