I am managing 3 tenants. And the 3 tenants are using same kind of Dashboard, like sales analysis, but the datasource (Mainly GI) of each dashboard are having little differences. Like different conditions, different filters.
I have designed the dashboard in tenant 1 at the beginning, and save the dashboard as a customization project , and then publish this customization project to tenant 2 and tenant 3 and modify in tenant 2 and tenant 3 on that initial version.
I am meeting the 2 major issues below, can somebody point out a good way to handle.
1, It looks like if I have modified the datasource like GI, the customization project would not update automatically. if I publish the older customization project again, my update in GI would be loss.
What is the best way to deal with this?
2, Actually, I have to maintain 3 different Dashboard versions. If I publish a dashboard in tenant 1, it seems the dashboard related GIs in tenant 2 and tenant 3 are all updated, updated to the same as tenant 1. That would cause I have to manually modify them again.
What is the best way to deal with this?
Thank you .