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Business Event Does not Run as expected

We created a generic inquiry, which has basically compares a contact’s attribute with the business account attribute. The highlighted values in yellow (column) should be the new attribute value on Contacts screen.  


The last column (Need to Update) is a calculated field as shown below - 


This column is being used for the shared filter - 

Shared Filter


We created a business event that updates each time there’s a new record added to this GI. 

Business Event Trigger Condition

Below is our Import Scenario Subscriber

BE Subscriber

Below is the fields that are being tracked- 

Fields to Track

***Please note that the import scenario works by itself. Meaning, we recreated the import scenario with a new data provider, and it has been working as expected. 

The business event history shows that it has been running, but not really changing anything. 

However, it works occasionally, please see highlighted value

For a contact, it updated the attribute on Contact screen as expected - 

Update works

But most of the times, the Business Event does not run as expected.

Otherwise it just modifies the revision ID. 
We tried deleting the Business event, recreated it, changed trigger conditions but it does not seem to work.
Any recommendations would be appreciated, thank you! 


2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Hi @kanupindi 

As the Business event is connected to a GI, please make sure the requirements are met as per KB article


Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Ensure all the key fields for the tables in your GI are on the results grid of the GI. This is in the article above as well but nearly all find this is why it is not being triggered
