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AR Error: AR account 1240000 is included in an account group but not mapped to a default task

  • 20 February 2023
  • 4 replies


4 replies

Badge +18

Hello @fdomingo ,

Acumatica is asking you to select a default task for account 1240000 on the Defaults tab of the Project profile screen, pictured here:


Userlevel 1

I keep throwing this error randomly.  I understand what Acumatica is asking - why is it asking that?  What setting have I missed that is looking for this?  The wiki was not very helpful in the why. 

Userlevel 1

Yes I would also like to know why this happens too.  I have the same experience with it being a random error. I have had it pop up with AR accounts and Tax Accounts.

Badge +18

From the Acumatica Help:

