Before the recent update and enhancements for 2023 R1/R2 to Acumatica-LotSerialNbrAttribute-2023R1-ONWARD I was able to use LotSerialNbrAttributes as parameters in a GI and Report. There have been some table updates, we followed the instructions and updated the DAC with an SQL script and published the new customization package. We updated the tables, relationships, and fields in our custom GIs and reports that reference these tables. However, I receive and error when trying to use Attributes from the tables as parameters, with the previous version we did not have this problem. If I try to use one of the lot serial number attributes as a parameter it says it cannot find the field. Yet, if I deactivate the parameter and conditions for the field and only list the attributes in the results, it find the fields no problem.
Example, INItemLotSerialInfo.SERIES_Attributes
Has anyone found a solution for this?
xml file attached - I had to deactivate my parameters and conditions for attributes for the GI to continue working.