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Activate lookup on field


Does anyone know how can I activate the lookup button for that highlighted field(DefaultSalesSubID)?


It’s interesting because in the screenshot above I pressed the lookup hotkey (F3) and it works, but for an specific old version it was available and we don’t have any customization on this screen


Thanks in advance

Best answer by Laura02

I think this is related to the segments on the subaccount. Take a look at the Lookup Mode field in the Segmented Keys screen.


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Captain II
  • Captain II
  • October 6, 2022

I think this is related to the segments on the subaccount. Take a look at the Lookup Mode field in the Segmented Keys screen.


Acumatica Employee

Hi @jeffersonmacedo ! There are keyboard shortcuts which can be useful, like pressing SHIFT+F to make a quick filter on a highlighted field in a grid, but for these kinds of fields you can press F3 to still pull up a selector type list for the subaccounts or tasks.



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