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Accounting Ratios as dashboard widgets

  • 29 November 2022
  • 1 reply

Hello - has anyone created a dashboard widget that shows an accounting ratio? For example, we would like to see our debt to equity ratio on our dashboard. The data for that ratio is found in our balance sheet and I do not see the balance sheet as an available data source for widget creation. I am new to creating widgets and not sure where to start. Thank you.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Hi @jessicaASA ,

Widgets on Acumatica dashboards are based on a Generic Inquiry.  The balance sheet report is what’s called an ARM (analytical) report which doesn’t translate directly. 

I created a sample Generic Inquiry that groups and sums to calculates a ratio between two different GL account classifications.  It uses the GLHistory data access class which as the totals by financial period.  You would need to filter on the appropriate period.

In the example I looked at the first digit of the GL account.  You would need to adjust this to match the logic from your balance sheet.

Once you have the Generic Inquiry working, it’s pretty straighforward to create the KPI widget based on the ratio column.

Hope this helps!
